Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Research questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Research questions - Assignment Example Social media is making people more introverted because it cuts of asynchronous communication. Considered a form of social media, social networking sites have altered the way people communicate, interact and respond, in particular reference to personal and professional relationships. Communication over the phone is considered more trivial than actual human interaction. This is beyond the comprehension as technology has truly taken over from all aspects, including doing easy tasks. Social media has overly taken an every human task and has automated it with a personalized tasks such as texting or tweeting someone. Social media has become a huge source of creating an introverted generation in which stion remains- has the Internet produce a thinking and analysis in children? Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?, an excellent article written by Samuel Greengard certainly agrees with this phenomena. As a matter of fact, conducive research statistics indicate this to be a vital force as many children use GOOGLE as a search
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Marketing mix and customer loyalty
Marketing mix and customer loyalty This chapter will discuss the findings of this study as outlined in the previous chapter and conclusions drawn. We will start this chapter by summarizing the whole study. Next, we will discuss the results in light of previous studies conducted by other researchers. Subsequently, we will identify the theoretical and managerial implications of the study. Lastly, we will present limitations of the study and directions for future research. The chapter ends with the conclusion of the study. The main objective of this study was to examine the relationships between the marketing mix used by the company and the relationship quality a company had with their customers and their loyalty. In addition, these relationships were tested under a supply shortage situation, to see whether the supply shortage situation would moderate the relationships between the marketing mix and the relationship quality with customer loyalty. Based on the literature review, four dimensions were identified for relationship quality, namely service quality, trust, satisfaction and commitment. The four dimensions for the marketing mix were product, price, place and promotion. For customer loyalty, four dimensions were also identified, repurchase, increase in repurchase volume, recommend and refusal to switch. A total of four hypotheses were developed in this study to match the objectives of the research. They are as follows: Customers perception of the marketing mix is positively related to customer loyalty. Customers perception of the relationship quality is positively related to customer loyalty. Customers perceived environment uncertainty moderates the relationship between marketing mix and customer loyalty. Customers perceived environment uncertainty moderates the relationship between relationship quality and customer loyalty. The data for this survey was gathered from construction companies registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) of Malaysia. A questionnaire was mailed to the construction companies based on their CIDB ranking and geographical location, thus ensuring that a representative sample was obtained. A total of 800 questionnaires were sent out and 179 were duly returned, giving this study a response rate of 22.4%. To ensure the goodness of measures, factor analysis and reliability test were conducted to test the data collected. Factor analysis was used to test the validity of the measures and the results showed that the extracted factors fit the conceptualized variables. Cronbachs alpha was used to test the reliability of the variable and the results showed that all variables had a sufficient level of reliability. Bivariate correlation analysis were conducted to determine the inter correlations amongst the independent variables and dependent variable. Regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis and sub-hypothesis. The study found that 3 of the hypothesis were partially accepted whereas the last hypothesis was rejected. 5.2 Discussions The aim of our study was to ascertain whether a supplier in the construction industry should focus on their companys marketing mix (cognitive component) or should they instead focus more on the relationship quality (affective component) they have with their customers, to ensure that their customers stay loyal to them. Further more, these relationships were also tested under a supply shortage situation, to see whether the relationships between the independent and dependent variables would change, providing us with valuable information for future use. This is because the supply shortage situation periodically happens in Malaysia and subsequently impacts the development of Malaysia as well. Similar research was done by Cater and Cater (2009) and De Rutyer and Semejin (2002) in which emotional motivation was the affective component and rational motivation was the cognitive component. Both researches found that both the affective and cognitive component positively influences customer loyalty. However, the affective component seems to be much stronger than the cognitive component in their findings. Our first hypothesis result seems to mirror those of other studies. van Riel et al (2005), Yoo et al (2000) and Kim and Hyun (2010) have established the effects of the marketing mix on brand equity. They found that companies investing in the marketing mix, product, price, place and promotion, would create brand awareness and a positive brand image. In this way, brand equity would be created, and when brand equity exists, brand loyalty follows. For this study, we replaced brand equity with the suppliers equity and brand loyalty with the customers loyalty. The results show that the companys marketing mix has a positive relationship on customer loyalty. The RÃ ² value indicates that 29% of the variation in customer loyalty can be explained by the variation in the marketing mix. The study found that buyers in construction companies placed great emphasis on the product, price and promotion, but not the place. This is slightly different from results obtained from van riel et al (2005), Yoo et al (2000) and Kim and Hyun (2010). In the aforementioned studies, results indicated that all the 4Ps had significant impact on customer loyalty for their respective industries which were the chemical and retail industry respectively. As this study was conducted in the construction industry, we were dealing with industrial products like cement, steel bars, sand, bricks, which are very expensive and represent a large amount in the cost of a building. Therefore, price would definitely be a very important consideration when purchasing. The product range that a supplier can provide is also important in maintaining their loyalty because a supplier who carries a wide range of products will mean that buyers need not source for other suppliers to fulfil their needs. Therefore this result is consistent with our literature review finding that says product and price play an important part in maintaining customer loyalty. Promotions have also been found to be significant in maintaining customer loyalty. Frequent advertisements seem to keep the supplier in the forefront of the buyers mind, thus increasing both their behavioural and attitudinal loyalty. With the current competitive situation that exists in the construction industry with many suppliers in the market and not many buyers, suppliers need to maintain their existing customers by offering discounts and volume rebates. These types of sales promotions are closely related to the dimension of price, thus a very effective method to maintain customer loyalty. This is similar to what has been postulated by Yoo et al (2000) Place (channel of distribution), was found to not positively affect customer loyalty. This is contradicting with other findings previously highlighted in the literature review. Probably this dimension of the marketing mix does not have an impact on customer loyalty because buyers of construction companies do their purchasing virtually via the internet, through the telephone or via facsimiles. Buyers do not need to physically go to the buyers office to place their orders, thus distribution intensity (the number of branches the supplier have all over Malaysia) would not be important to buyers. Also once they place their order with a supplier, the goods can be shipped anywhere in Malaysia as specified in the order. A buyer in Kuala Lumpur can place an order with a supplier in Ipoh for goods to be delivered to Johor Baharu. This is unlike the retail market in which distribution intensity (the number of stores available) helps to promote loyalty because it makes it easier for the consumer to acquire their goods. Our second hypothesis explores the relationship between relationship quality and customer loyalty. Numerous researches have been conducted on this in the B2B as well as B2C contexts. The rational is that when the quality is good, the relationship is successful, thus, leading to customer loyalty. In general, similar results were found in this study, in which we found that buyers in construction companies viewed the relationship quality they had with their supplier as important in maintaining their loyalty to them. The RÃ ² value indicates that 33% of the variation in customer loyalty can be explained by the variation in relationship quality. However, they did not view service quality as an important dimension in relationship quality for maintaining their loyalty to the supplier. Even though past researchers like Caceres and Paparoidamis (2007),Rauyruen and Miller (2006), Hewett et al (2002), Hennig-Thurau and Klee (1997), Storbacka et al (1994), Dorsch et al (1998) and Crosby et al (1990) has advocated that service quality will have an impact on customer loyalty, findings in this study indicate otherwise. This could be caused by the gender and cultural profiles of our respondents as well as the context of the study, which was the construction industry. According to Donthu and Yoo (1998) and Furrer, Shaw and Sudharshan (2000), cultural influences will have an impact on service expectations. All the previous researches mentioned earlier were done in the Western cultural context. Customers in different cultures or countries will have different levels of service expectations because cultures differ in their patterns of behaviour and attitudes. Donthu and Yoo (1998) and Furrer et al (2000) used Hofstedes typology of culture to investigate cultural differences on service expectations. They found that customers in high power distance countries, like Malaysia, were more likely to accept very low levels of service quality or overlook it totally. They would accept or tolerate poor service delivery because of the service providers expertise. For seemingly poor services, the customers of high power distance countries would find excuses for the service providers instead. Thus, in this study, buyers in construction firms in Malaysia do not view service quality as an important dimension in maintaining their loyalty to their supplier as opposed to their Western counterparts. Donthu and Yoo (1998) and Furrer et al (2000) also found that customers in feminine countries like Malaysia which focused on values such as interdependence and relationships did not expect every service encounter to be perfect and would sacrifice the service quality for more important values to them like long term relationships. As 69.3% of our respondents were from the Chinese race, the Confucian dynamic of long term orientation would come into play. The Chinese are more prone to saving face, respect for others and traditions. They do not like to complain and bring shame to others. Thus, in line with this thinking, our findings indicate that trust, commitment and satisfaction are important in maintaining customer loyalty in this study. Also being a very collectivistic country, Malaysian buyers in construction firms would always be looking at how they can preserve harmony in their relationship with the supplier and not rock the boat by complaining behaviour on the service quality provided. They would be willing to overlook the lack or poor service provided by the supplier. Due to this fact, they do not view service quality as being able to maintain their loyalty to the supplier. Gender also plays a role in service quality perceptions and customer loyalty. According to Gocek, Kursun and Beceren (2007) in a research on the role of gender in service quality perceptions in the textile industry, they found that males gave less importance to perceive service quality received compared to females. Males were less bothered about how service quality could enhance their overall satisfaction levels towards their supplier, and ultimately on their loyalty. Thus, in our study, 57.5% of the respondents were males as compared to only 41.9 % females. Therefore based on this, our findings indicated that service quality was not an important dimension in ensuring their loyalty. In line with other research in the literature review, the accepted dimensions of relationship quality like satisfaction, trust and commitment were found to positively affect customer loyalty. Hesket et al (1994), Storbacka et al (1994), Hennig-Thurau and Klee (1997)and Lam et al (2004) posits that when the customer is satisfied, it will impact on the relationship strength and longevity and ultimately on the customers profitability and serve as the key to an organizations success and long term competitiveness. Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001 linked trust to loyalty through performance whereas Sirdeshmukh et al (2002) linked trust to loyalty through value creation. Buyers need to feel that they can trust their suppliers and these can be exhibited by frontline employees (trustworthy behaviour) and management practices (trustworthy practices). Most researchers identify commitment among exchange partners as key to achieving customer loyalty. Morgan and Hunt, 1994, Dick and Basu, 1994 and Oliver, 1999, all agree that relationship commitment is similar to loyalty because of the consequences exhibited like positive word of mouth, rebuy or repurchase a product/service consistently and refusal to switch. Our third hypothesis was also partially accepted, in which the supply shortage situation moderates the relationship between the marketing mix and customer loyalty. In other words, the supply shortage situation affects how the suppliers marketing mix is perceived by the buyers, and this would affect their loyalty. As postulated by Wagner and Gopalakrishna (2001) and Kotler (1974), suppliers in the construction industry should be making intelligent adjustments to the marketing mix to focus on the opportunities presented by the supply shortage situation. Price still remains the most important component of the marketing mix, especially for buyers in construction companies because the procurement of building materials represents a large amount of the building cost. Therefore, suppliers must resist the urge to raise prices as shortage conditions on the grounds of supplier opportunism because by doing so, they will loose their customers instead. Suppliers must also ensure that they do not cut down on production or product lines because of a shortage in the mistaken belief that it would not affect their customers loyalty. Even though there is a shortage supply situation in the construction industry, this does not mean that certain essential building materials are not required by the contractor during that time. In fact, the whole range of building materials from the structural, intermediate to the final stages in the construction process is required, regardless of whether there is a supply shortage for certain materials or not. Therefore, it is important for suppliers to be cognizant of this fact, and ensure that they carry a wide range of product solutions for their customers needs, even though during a supply shortage situation. The place (channel of distribution) also becomes important during a supply shortage situation in maintaining customer loyalty. This is because during a supply shortage situation, buyers will try to reduce their risk of being unable to obtain their supply. Therefore, a rational buyer will maintain their loyalty with a supplier that has intensity of distribution (having many branches all over Malaysia) to ensure that they will be able to get their supply of building materials. A contractor based in Kuala Lumpur, might very well have jobs all over Malaysia, thus by buying from a supplier that has many branches all over Malaysia, this will ensure better coordination in deliveries to various job sites all over Malaysia due to the fact that there would be personnel from the supplier stationed in the relevant geographical area. The buyer would feel more comfortable and confident, thus enhancing their loyalty to the supplier. Our study indicates that promotion becomes less important during a supply shortage situation. This could be because in a shortage situation, products are able to sell themselves. Suppliers need not have promotions and advertisements to maintain their presence in the mind of their customers during a shortage. Their buyers are very much aware of their suppliers and their importance during a time of shortage Our final hypothesis was rejected, indicating that the supply shortage situation does not affect the relationship between relationship quality and customer loyalty. In other words, the supply shortage situation has no affect on how the buyer views their relationship quality and their loyalty with the supplier. This is contradictory to findings in the literature review which posits that a supply shortage situation is perceived as a risk. Thus, buyers will try to engage in risk reducing activities such as looking for other suppliers, thus making them less loyal to their existing supplier. However, our findings can be answered by a research done by Wood (2008) in the B2B context for wireless telecommunications. He found that when the buyer was very satisfied with his relationship (indication of good relationship quality) it would instead reduce the inclination of the buyer to search for new alternatives, thus positively influencing the buyers intention to remain with the supplier even during a supply shortage situation. This positive satisfaction with the relationship will instead negatively influence the buyers perception of other available suppliers in the market, thus ensuring the buyers loyalty to his/her existing supplier. 5.2.1. Major results of the study Based on the explanation and discussion above, a summary of the major results are presented as follows: The marketing mix element of price presented by a company has a positive affect on their customers loyalty The marketing mix element of product presented by a company has a positive affect on their customers loyalty The marketing mix element of promotion presented by a company has a positive affect on their customers loyalty The marketing mix element of place presented by a company does not have a positive affect on their customers loyalty The relationship quality element of service quality does not have a positive effect on customer loyalty The relationship quality element of trust has a positive affect on customer loyalty The relationship quality element of satisfaction has a positive affect on customer loyalty The relationship quality element of commitment has a positive affect on customer loyalty The relationship quality has a stronger affect on customer loyalty than the marketing mix The supply shortage situation affects how customers view the marketing mix presented by the company and this would affect their loyalty. The supply shortage situation does not affect how customers view their relationship quality with a company, thus not affecting their loyalty. 5.3 Implications of the study Based on the research findings, several implications related to the theoretical and practical aspects of management will be discussed. 5.3.1 Theoretical implications The theory of cognitive-affective-conative-behavior was used in this study to explain the formation of customer loyalty. This theory suggests that customers loyalty is influenced by both cognitive and affective components. The cognitive components reflect that customers will make conscious evaluations based on information or knowledge such as the price or quality. (Oliver, 1999, Sawmong and Omar, 2004). Cognitive components in this study are represented by the 4Ps, namely product, price, place and promotion. (van Riel et al, 2005,Yoo et al, 2000, Kim and Hyun, 2010) The affective components reflect the fact that customers emotions or feelings are likely to play an important role in their behaviour. (Oliver, 1999) The affective components in this study are represented by relationship quality. (Hewett et al, 2002, Rauyruen and Miller, 2006, Caceres and Paparoidamis, 2007) The conative-behaviour is accompanied by the desire to an intended action. (Oliver, 1999) It can be exhibited through various ways through the customers behaviour; most commonly cited are repeat patronage (behavioural loyalty) and positive word of mouth (attitudinal loyalty). The findings in this research is consistent with the postulated theory. Both cognitive and affective components have an effect on customer loyalty. In this study, the RÃ ² for marketing mix was 29% and for relationship quality is was 33%. This indicates that the relationship quality has a strong affect on customer loyalty than the marketing mix. Research by Cater and Cater (2009) and De Rutyer and Semejin (2002) support this statement. In these researches, the affective component was found to be stronger than the cognitive component. Customers therefore seem to value the emotional we like more than the rational we benefit. Cater and Cater (2009) surmises that because of this findings, customers are not as rational as they should be, or much more likely, that rational benefits are perceived as minor in their decision making. In this case, the heart rules the head in the making of decision of continued loyalty. 5.3.2 Managerial implications From this study, we can draw several managerial implications as follows: The marketing mix presented by a company plays an important role in influencing their customers loyalty. Therefore, managers should not neglect the elements of price, product and promotion in their marketing strategies. Price is a very important consideration in purchasing in the construction industry as building materials are very expensive and make up a large amount of the construction cost. All buyers in construction companies would be very price sensitive due to this fact. Managers must ensure that they price their products competitively, according to the going rate. Pricing too high will have a negative affect unlike consumer goods which provide an impression of quality. ( Yoo et al, 2000) Managers should also pay attention to promotions to keep their company in the forefront of their customers mind. With the current competitive situation that exists in the construction industry with many suppliers in the market and not many buyers, suppliers need to maintain their existing customers by offering discounts and volume rebates. These types of sales promotions are closely related to the dimension of price, thus a very effective method to maintain customer loyalty. This is also similar to what has been postulated by Yoo et al (2000). Lastly, managers should make sure that their companies carry a wide range of products as this will ensure that their customers need not source for other suppliers to fulfil their orders. The relationship quality that a company has with their customer is also important in maintaining their customers loyalty. Managers should pay attention to their companys relationship management strategies and ensure that their customers are satisfied, trust and committed to the relationship they have with the company. Managers should focus on frontline employees especially sales personnel to ensure that they exhibit trustworthy behaviour. Management must ensure that they are ethical and honest in their dealings with customers, thus fostering a climate of trust. (Sirdeshmukh, 2002). To cultivate commitment, managers should place more emphasis on activities that produce strong positive feelings of affiliation and camaraderie between their company and customers. (Kumar et al, 1994). In general, satisfaction is a persons feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance in relations to his or her expectations. (Storbacka et al, 1994) Thus, ma nagers should focus on product and service quality and put in the effort to creating a high perception of these elements to ensure that their customers are not disappointed, but delighted instead. Supply shortages periodically occur in the construction industry. Thus, managers need to know how to manage their customer loyalty during such times. This study shows that the supply shortage situation affects how customers view the marketing mix presented by the company and this would affect their loyalty. Therefore, managers should be making intelligent adjustments to the marketing mix to focus on the opportunities presented by the period of uncertainty (shortage). By recognizing the changing environment, organizations can still retain their customers and enhance their profitability. (Kotler, 1974, Wayne and Gopalakrishna, 2001). As product, price and place have been found to affect customers loyalty during a supply shortage situation, managers should focus on these three elements. This means that they should not simply increase prices, reduce product lines and cut down on channels of distribution. Instead, managers should ensure that they price competitively, ensure that they carr y enough product lines and not shut down any branches/cut down on sales personnel during a shortage situation. As promotions was found to not affect customer loyalty during a supply shortage situation, managers can then save some spending and cut down on their sales promotion and advertising budgets. The supply shortage situation does not affect how customers view their relationship quality with a company, thus it does not affect their loyalty. However, this does not mean that managers should neglect the quality of the relationship they have with their customers. Managers should continue to do what they have been doing during normal periods. Ensure that your customers are satisfied and happy with the existing relationship they have by continually meeting their requirements and delighting them always. Overall, in a normal situation, to maintain their customers loyalty, a company should pay more attention to the relationship quality because it has been found to have a stronger affect. However, this does not mean that managers can neglect the marketing mix, because it has also been found to have an affect on customer loyalty. Therefore, prudent managers should pay attention to both cognitive and affective components to maintain their customers loyalty. However, when a supply shortage situation occurs, managers who focus on their marketing mix can reap substantial gains in their customers loyalty as opposed to the relationship quality. For managers, this provides them with valuable information on which aspect to focus on to advance their customers loyalty. Therefore, they can formulate strategic plans that suit the existing situation. 5.4 Limitations of the study The results should be interpreted in light of the limitations of the study. They are as follows: The sample surveyed. Our population for the study comprised of all organizations registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) of Malaysia. There are many more contractors which are not registered with the CIDB. Therefore, the results should be carefully considered as being representative of the construction industry as not all organizations in the construction industry were sampled. It should be noted that 62% of the respondents were private limited corporations which were locally owned. As such, smaller contractors might not have enough representation in this study. This study was conducted in the construction industry, thus it may limit the generalization to other industries and business to business settings. The study is based on perceptions. As such, the inherent limitations of perception studies are acknowledged. The respondents responses represent what they consider to be facts rather than what the facts actually are. Another limitation might be that the data was collected via a self administered questionnaire. There is concern in the study that customer do not always perform as they say they will and might not answer truthfully for a variety of personal or organizational reasons. The study asked for the questionnaire to be answered by someone in the organization who has done purchasing and experienced a supply shortage situation before. It should be noted that there is room for bias as we cannot ascertain that the respondent that answered the questionnaire fulfils that criteria. Due to the time constraints, a cross sectional study was conducted. As such, changes in the variables under study over time, especially the dimensions of relationship quality and customer loyalty may limit the possibility to infer causation. 5.5 Directions for future research While this study advances the knowledge of customer loyalty in the construction industry, it also provides additional opportunities for future research. Future researches should consider having more or different marketing mix dimensions instead of using the 4Ps. This might lead to different findings for customer loyalty. The same applies for relationship quality, in which different dimensions are used instead of the generally accepted ones of trust, satisfaction and commitment. Future research can also enhance this study by having a larger sample that covers all organizations in the construction industry, irregardless of whether they are registered with CIDB. Hardware companies are also involved in the construction industry by supplying building materials to contractors. They also frequently encounter supply shortage situations, thus, for future research, they can also be considered. Because nothing is manipulated in this study, it is difficult to make causal inferences from the data. Perceived marketing mix and the relationship quality could be illusive reflections, distinct from the actual efforts put in by the company. To investigate more thoroughly the causal impact of each independent variable towards loyalty, future researchers could design and conduct experiments manipulating the levels of the independent and the moderating variables. 5.6 Conclusion The main objective of this study was to examine the relationships between the marketing mix used by the company and the relationship quality a company had with their customers and their loyalty in the construction industry. In addition, these relationships were tested under a supply shortage situation, to see whether the supply shortage situation would moderate the relationships between the marketing mix and the relationship quality with customer loyalty. Overall, this study has provided some empirical evidence that a companys marketing mix and the relationship quality with their customers has positive impact on their customers loyalty. The marketing mix components had varying degrees of significant relationships to customer loyalty. Product, price and promotion were found to have positive relationships with customer loyalty. Place was found not to have an affect on customer loyalty. The relationship quality components also had varying degrees of significant relationships to customer loyalty. Trust, satisfaction and commitment were found to have positive relationships with customer loyalty. However, service quality was found not to have any affect on customer loyalty. Overall, relationship quality was found to have a stronger affect on customer loyalty in the construction industry. Perhaps the main contribution of this study is the evidence that the significance of cognitive and affective components in customer loyalty changes during a perceived environment uncertainty. Cognitive components become more important to customer during a supply shortage situation than affective components. Cater and Cater (2009) theme of rational we benefit rules against the emotional
Friday, October 25, 2019
Immense Heroism in Homerââ¬â¢s Iliad Essay -- Iliad essays
Immense Heroism in Homerââ¬â¢s Iliad The Iliad opens with "the anger of Peleus' son, Achilleus," (1.1) and closes with the "burial of Hektor, breaker of horses" (24.804).1 The bracketing of the poem with descriptions of these two men suggests both their importance and their connection to one another. They lead parallel lives as the top fighters in their respective armies, and, as the poem progresses, their lives and deaths become more and more closely linked. They each struggle to fulfill the heroic ideal, and they both grapple with temptations that lure them away from heroism. While Hektor embodies the human heroic ideal, Achilleus strives to surpass human heroism to achieve some identification with the divine. These delusions of grandeur diminish Achilleus greatly; despite his efforts he can never be immortal, and a mortal god, besides being an oxymoron, would be decidedly pitiful. Achilleus' heroism, therefore, is incumbent on his acceptance of his humanity. Achilleus entangles Hektor in his struggle to come to term s with his own mortality by recognizing himself in his enemy. Hektor comes to represent the humanity of Achilleus, against which Achilleus rebels and which he tries to destroy in his desire to be immortal. Their fates are therefore linked, and the death of the one necessitates the death of the other. In finally giving over Hektor's body to Priam, Achilleus is at his most heroic; for in this action he accepts his fate, his mortality, and his humanity. The two men are lured away from heroism in opposite directions; Hektor, by his connections to home and family, and Achilleus, by his connections to the gods. To be a hero is to sacrifice one's own personal and familial ties in favor of facing death and striving for... ... of Achilleus' funeral, for the fates of these two heroes are linked. We do not see Achilleus' death in the poem, but we are certain of its prompt occurrence, for we see the burial of Hektor who has become a reflection of Achilleus. By accepting his own death, Achilleus finally becomes a hero. His heroism is so great because, unlike other men, the measure of his heroism does not lie in the status of the people he kills, but in the action of giving up Hektor's body. The murder of Hektor is not Achilleus' greatest moment, but only one step in attaining his heroism. He diverges so greatly from the heroic, that in the moment when he finally accepts his mortality, his heroism is immense. NOTES 1 Achilleus is the son of Thetis, a goddess, and Peleus, a mortal. 2 Homer, Iliad, Translated by Richard Lattimore (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1951).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Current Environmental Laws In The Philippines Environmental Sciences Essay
Based on my research about the current Philippine Environmental Laws, I found out that it has two parts ; foremost is the Presidential Decree no. 1586 or the Environmental Impact System which states that no undertakings shall be implemented without an Environmental Conformity Certificate ( ECC ) .In order for the authorities to happen out if they are to publish an Environmental Conformity Certificate, an appraisal should be done sing the proposed undertaking ââ¬Ës impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Assessment is defined as a process in order to happen out and foretell the impact of proposed undertakings to the state ââ¬Ës environment and to work forces ââ¬Ës well being and wellness. This appraisal is of import in order for us to happen out the resource allotment for the said undertaking and find the costs associated with environmental preservation. Once the Environmental Impact System has been approved an Environmental Compliance Certificate may now be given to the individual in charge of the undertaking and he may now continue with the execution of his undertaking. The certification is really of import to hold because it contains the footings and conditions that the individual enforcing the undertaking should follow with. Failure to follow the conditions in the certification may ensue to its suspension or cancellation, the individual behind the undertaking may be subjected to a all right non transcending 50 thousand pesos ( 50,000Php ) . If the undertaking is cleared and is now being implemented or started with, monitoring is normally done to do certain that they are following with the conditions in the certification and to detect the undertaking ââ¬Ës environmental impact. The 2nd portion of the Philippine Environmental Law is the Presidential Decree no. 984 or The Pollution Control Law, this is besides known as the Pollution Control Decree of 1978 is a national policy that is aimed to forestall, avoid, and command pollution of H2O , air, and land for the more effectual use of the resources in the state. This jurisprudence besides contains the demands or necessary criterions needed to be followed in order to get a license to construct or enforce a certain undertaking that does non in any manner affect the environment negatively. It besides contains the commissariats if of all time there are punishments. Presidential Decree 984 focal points on ; first, the Clean Air Act of 1999 which is a policy and plan to keep the air quality in the state. This is to convey all the citizens to collaborate and exercise an attempt to clean the air we breathe, and whoever will go against this act will be subjected to pay. The act chiefly focuses on bar instead than control, chiefly because if we can forestall something bad from go oning so it will be less onerous in the close hereafter. Preventing farther harm to the stratospheric ozone bed is an illustration of this. This act sets criterions for beginnings of nomadic air pollut ion, those coming from vehicles like autos, trucks, new waves, coachs, jeepneys, trike, and bikes. Smoke tonss from industrial houses like hotels, power workss, and other constitutions are besides closely monitored. Aside from those mentioned, smoke, combustion of refuse, and dust from building are included. Second is the Clean Water Act of 2004, records say that every bit early as 1996 several trials were conducted and consequences showed that merely 51 % of rivers in our state are still useable, and the staying 49 % were already polluted due to domestic and industrial activities. That might non sound that much large of a trade until you realize that 31 % of all illnesss come from imbibing or contact with dirty/polluted Waterss, diseases like cholera, amebiasis, swamp fever etc. Republic Act No. 9275 or the Clean Water Act of 2004 purposes to protect the clean and staying organic structures of H2O we have left from pollution caused by discharges from human activities, mills in the industry, and other land based beginnings. It besides states that all proprietors of companies or anyone who discharges effluent are required to acquire a license from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) or the Laguna Lake Development Authority, all companies or industries that discharge effluent and are in operation even with the said license will hold to pay a effluent charge in order to deter the companies from dispatching effluent and choose to put in cleaner production and pollution control engineerings, this will assist diminish the figure of pollutants generated and discharged. Third is the Solid Waste Management or Republic Act No. 9003, this act talks about a legal construction on how our state can hold a systematic and ecological solid waste direction system that will assist in keeping and protecting the environment and the people ââ¬Ës wellness. This act besides provides plans for minimising waste, and cognizing how to decently dispose of our r efuse, it advices the people to follow the three R ââ¬Ës of Solid Waste Management ; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Segregation is besides compulsory in the undermentioned countries ; families, establishments, industrial installations, commercial/business constitution, and agricultural countries. They besides prohibit unfastened combustion of solid wastes to avoid farther harm to the ambiance and pollution to the air. Last is the Act to Control Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes or Republic Act No. 6969, they have several policies listed, one is to ââ¬Å" modulate, bound, and prohibit importing, fabrication, processing, sale, distribution, usage, and dispose of chemical substances â⬠this is done so that we can avoid unreasonable hazard to the people ââ¬Ës wellness and of class to the environment, following is to forbid entry and most particularly disposal of risky wastes to the Philippines territorial bounds and in conclusion, to carry on research on toxic chemi cals and risky wastes. How are Hotel and Tourism Management pupils affected by the Environmental Laws? After reading a batch of things about the environmental Torahs in the Philippines I am now more aware of my milieus and the things that need to be done in order to hold a safe and clean topographic point to populate in. Having cognition about the jurisprudence is ever a good thing because we become more careful in our actions. Some people are merely non that knowing about certain environmental issues that ââ¬Ës why they tend to care less. Hotel and Tourism pupils are affected by these Torahs because we will be working in an industry that is really broad and huge, everyplace we go there is ever adjustment and nutrient, which means that we can get down by using what we ââ¬Ëve learned sing the environment to our workplace, non to advert that hotels and tourers are a immense portion of our state ââ¬Ës economic system, we can do a immense impact because our industry is good known and is all over the universe, it will be our occupation as cognizant pupils or future employees to as sist in using or implementing ways on how we can assist maintain the environment clean and at the same clip provide quality service to all our invitees. Our class besides deals with functioning and holding contact to people that avail our merchandises and services, we can assist these people contribute to the wellness of our milieus by puting an illustration for them and supplying service that non merely is exceeding but besides environment friendly. If we are lucky plenty to go directors or even proprietors of our ain hotels or travel bureaus someday, so we can put ends and policies in our ain constitutions that comply with the environmental Torahs, without compromising our chief end which is to function our invitees good. How can hotel and touristry concerns help better the current environmental state of affairs? We are presently confronting a batch of environmental issues in our state, from dirt erodings, flash floods, vanishing H2O beginnings, and air pollution to improper refuse disposal, illegal logging, and nutrient toxic condition caused by chemical wastes. These are merely some of the many jobs our state is confronting today, as pupils and future employees to the industry of Hospitality and Tourism we can assist in confronting the current environmental issues by implementing certain protocols and policies in our work topographic point. Installing H2O metres in every section ( if possible ) for illustration, is a good manner to supervise the constitution ââ¬Ës H2O ingestion, by making so we can find the monthly H2O ingestion and cost of our workplace, if we are cognizant of this we ââ¬Ëll cognize what section consumes excessively much H2O and necessary action will be taken instantly. Water salvaging devices like flow regulators, H2O flow detectors, and low flower lavatories are me rely some of the things we can set in our comfort suites and kitchens to do certain that blowing H2O is at a minimum, and if observed exhaustively, no wastage at all. Leaks because of hapless plumbing is besides a cause of H2O wastage in a batch of places and edifices, we must on a regular basis keep plumbing fixtures to do certain that no leaks will come up. Monthly review for trickles and leaks in the constitution should be done be it at hotels, resorts, or eating houses. With respects to the kitchen/ Food and Beverage Department, utilizing of dish washers should merely be done during the cheque out of the invitees and rinsing of little kitchenware should be done by manus with the usage of antibacterial soap, to assist conserve H2O. Electricity is one thing that our industry consumes a batch, we use this to power up large hotels and casinos, aid elegant eating houses operate, and maintain the sense of holding recreational topographic points like subject Parkss, nevertheless, despi te the benefits we get from utilizing electricity, merely a few of us recognize its importance. Electricity is acquired by change overing energy released from firing fossil fuels, as consumers continue to utilize immense sums of electricity every twenty-four hours ; it ââ¬Ës really likely that all the fossil fuels around the universe will shortly run out. Conserving energy in our places and concern constitutions can assist continue fossil fuels, for illustration, put ining electricity metres in every section to supervise monthly energy ingestion to avoid increasing electric measures will hold a immense impact given the fact that a batch of hotels, resorts, and eating houses use a batch of electricity. Using energy efficient contraptions and visible radiation bulbs in high ingestion countries, and turning them off when non in usage can besides be done to avoid high energy ingestion. For resorts and hotel room, they can utilize solar panels to heat H2O for the invitees, by making s o this can salvage up to 40 % of energy cost. Hotels, Resorts and Restaurants produce big sums of solid and liquid wastes these wastes end up dispersing in the environment due to hapless or unequal waste direction and handling, therefore it is a must to implement schemes and plans to minimise wastes and to use the three R ââ¬Ës ; cut down, reuse, and recycle. Segregating wastes is a really basic measure in waste direction ; this is helpful to the environment because if we are able to find the biodegradable 1s from the non biodegradable so we can find the best manner to safely dispose of the waste. If we are buying merchandises that we need to run our constitution, the first thing we should maintain in head is to take merchandises that are least polluting and most sustainable, by making so we can avoid the hazard of lending to the pollution in our state, and because it ââ¬Ës sustainable we can profit from it for a longer period of clip without holding to dispose the merchandise after several utilizations, therefore assisting minimise wastage in our constitution. In eating houses or other nutrient constitutions, alternatively of utilizing disposable containers like Styrofoam which non merely takes a long clip to break up but can besides hold negative effects to our wellness, they can utilize reclaimable lid containers that are really environment friendly and can be reused. Hotel ââ¬Ës purchase immense sums of detergents, bleach, and other chemicals used in the wash and lavatory country, if possible they should roll up the empty chemical containers and direct them back to the maker so that it can be used once more alternatively of stacking up bottles of detergents etc. and merely throwing them anyplace, or worse some people even burn them, aside from this they can merely replenish the bottles alternatively of purchasing new 1s. They can besides assist salvage the trees by commanding the use of paper in their offices and places, for illustration, if possi ble they can merely utilize electronic mail to direct paperss from one constitution to another, alternatively of publishing them out. For used or scrap paper, recycling the back side can besides assist in cut downing the usage of clean, fresh paper. We should besides avoid the usage of aerosol sprays like some air fresheners that damage our ozone bed, taking sprays that do non utilize propellent gas is our best stake. Another really of import thing that hotel, resort, and eating house builders can make is to halt seting up their constitutions in topographic points with natural wildlife and in topographic points where cutting down 100s of trees is necessary merely so they can gain net income. Beginnings: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.livestrong.com/article/160037-what-are-the-benefits-of-saving-electricity/ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.4hoteliers.com/4hots_fshw.php? mwi=1830 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.numbeo.com/pollution/country_result.jsp? country=Philippines hypertext transfer protocol: //www.chanrobles.com/pd1152.htm # .UF3MOrLiZKE hypertext transfer protocol: //www.chanrobles.com/pd1151.htm # .UF3MOrLiZKE hypertext transfer protocol: //www.chanrobles.com/legal9.htm # .UF27tbLiZKG hypertext transfer protocol: //www.energyeducation.tx.gov/energy/section_3/topics/where_does_electricity_come_from/index.html hypertext transfer protocol: //www.fm-kp.si/zalozba/ISSN/1854-4231/2_005-023.pdf hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ehow.com/info_8543321_classification-biodegradable-nonbiodegradable.html hypertext transfer protocol: //agreenliving.net/green-tourism-and-how-it-helps-the-environment/ hypertext transfer protocol: //wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_we_help_stop_hotels_and_holiday_resorts_damaging_the_environment hypertext transfer protocol: //www.capitalhotelswdc.com/environment_friendly_green_program_policy_capital_hotels_washington_dc.htm hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ehow.com/info_8543321_classification-biodegradable-nonbiodegradable.html hypertext transfer protocol: //emb.gov.ph/rNCR/pollutioncontroldecree.html hypertext transfer protocol: //www.aseanlawassociation.org/papers/phil_chp11.pdf hypertext transfer protocol: //docs.google.com/viewer? a=v & A ; q=cache: vpe3U1HiT9oJ: www.jccipi.com.ph/05cwa.ppt+ & A ; hl=en & A ; pid=bl & A ; srcid=ADGEESjUr5suLfdvFLoJqsvSHg9dlKf9QfuhkpAbK0Mc3ZjVufCwlS61nbyUeIgSmORqYG354wwhqeOWi2roO4ZVENhVPx2sKF__jrvNdB5c715mels7P-bXQbtrSqCzWu-9RVlDUOuS & amp ; sig=AHIEtbQxlVVVDrEy2EXEKEpa7HuBiudw-g hypertext transfer protocol: //www.emb.gov.ph/embgovph/Portals/8/DENR % 20Administrative % 20Order % 20No.81 % 20Series % 202000.pdf hypertext transfer protocol: //fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/47810.pdf hypertext transfer protocol: //www.aseanlawassociation.org/papers/phil_chp11.pdf hypertext transfer protocol: //emb.gov.ph/eeid/cwa-english.htm hypertext transfer protocol: //www.pwp.org.ph/documents/wastewater/PPT_DENR_EMB_2.pdf hypertext transfer protocol: //www.oocities.org/injunred/cleanair.html hypertext transfer protocol: //emb.gov.ph/eeid/ESWM.htm
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Phenomenal Woman Essay
Iââ¬â¢ve read this poem, ââ¬Å"Phenomenal Womanâ⬠years ago but I have never forgotten it ever sinceââ¬âsuch is the power of Maya Angelouââ¬â¢s words. Whenever I feel sad, or experience anything that blows my self-esteem to smithereens, I think about this poemââ¬âit is one of the few that can instantly make me feel uplifted and empowered. It stirs the soul and affirms the human spirit. ââ¬Å"Phenomenal Womanâ⬠is all about feeling good about oneself. It sends a positive message to women and is a kind of affirmation of the female identity. Upon reading the poem, there is a shock of recognition, the recognition of the identity that all too often lies defeated under the weight of oppressive tradition. The first line, ââ¬ËPretty women wonder where my secret lies, I am not cute or built to fit a fashion model sizesââ¬â¢ pretty much sums up Angelouââ¬â¢s messageââ¬âthat a womanââ¬â¢s true essence isnââ¬â¢t something that can be judged through outward appearances alone. Angelou uses very simple and unsophisticated wording to convey a deep message: that identity and sexuality are not all about the aspects of a woman that she has no control over (her looks) but also about what she feels, and chooses to feel, and in how she chooses to convey her feelings. One can truly be phenomenal if one believes herself to be. The poem does not only apply to women but transcends gender, race, and social status. Angelouââ¬â¢s message is universal, one that touches on the very basic fabric humanity: A personââ¬â¢s worth is not something that is ought to be dictated by societyââ¬â¢s standards. The poem makes me love the body Iââ¬â¢m blessed with, asserts my identity, affirms my sexuality, and paves the way to a deeper understanding of myself. A woman need not have Barbieââ¬â¢s vital statistics or a perfect bone structureââ¬âitââ¬â¢s good to have these characteristics but a ââ¬Å"realâ⬠woman is more. Those traits that men ââ¬Å"canââ¬â¢t touchâ⬠ââ¬âa womanââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"inner mysteryâ⬠ââ¬âhowever unfathomable, truly makes us special and unique. ââ¬Å"Phenomenal Womanâ⬠is a reminder of our power to control our own outlook. We are not mere slaves to circumstance, but participants in the game of life. And the most important thing isââ¬âto love myself unconditionally, because Iââ¬â¢m a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman. Thatââ¬â¢s me.
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